I am currently running a challenge on the Building Better Humans Project Podcast with the aim being to challenge you to think and act differently.
As a part of this challenge I have created a worksheet which I will update periodically. You can get the current working copy right here:
Here is the GA – Creating a Compelling Vision.
So far in the challenge we have discussed ranking ourselves in each area of the Four Pillars of the Solid Human Foundation. You can do this in the workbook above.
We have also looked at what excuses have held you back and asked you to come up with ways to avoid these holding you back into the future.
I set 14 challenges to be completed within the next month (or by the end of November preferably). These are below:
- Write your eulogy.
- Find an accountability buddy for a month.
- Ask 3 people to tell your greatest strengths.
- Ask 3 people what they think your biggest weakness is.
- Write your bucket list. Put is somewhere you will see it frequently.
- Make a list of things you’re dreading. Do one thing off this list in the morning until everything is crossed off.
- Leave your smartphone at home for the day.
- Admit you made a mistake to someone you’ve wronged.
- Admit all your mistakes as they happen one day. Write about how that made you feel.
- Spend a weekend on a trip alone.
- Record a video of your goals and share with others.
- Spend zero dollars in three days.
- Go down a youtube rabbit-hole about a subject that confuses you.
- Ask your friend to assign you homework. Don’t forget the due date.
I look forward to digging deeper as we go through this challenge. If you want tips or advice on how to fill out these out then listen to this episode of the podcast: